Sunday, April 19, 2009


There is no sinner greater than the avid procrastinator. You may think this is not true, but you are WRONG. Why? Procrastination is the result of so much lost ability and effectiveness, that it is shocking that they haven't made it into a mental disorder (since everything else already is).

Now, let's explore why people procrastinate. There are a few primary reasons which follow across the board. For example, fear of failure. These are people you meet who seem to have immense potential, yet don't bother doing work 'till the last minute because they are unconsciously afraid they will do badly even though they put in the effort. A common excuse here is that they "work better under pressure".

To some extent, it makes sense. The more work you do, over a longer period, the more you tend to over-think things. And we all know that over-thinking, very often, doesn't work out. Okay, enough psycho-babble.

Anyway, I don't fall under this category. I am merely lazy. I refuse to do more work than I have to, because I frequently have other more enjoyable things which I could be doing, such as sleeping, sitting around, watching TV, prowling YouTube, etc. Ah, to have the self-control everyone else does in terms of doing work in advance. It has never been a state I am familiar with. From exams to assignments, whether I enjoy them or not, I still procrastinate. Surprisingly, I procrastinate most for assignments I love doing. Why? Because I'm female, and thereby irrational. I have this irrepressible sense of guilt when I enjoy doing assignments I like because at the back of my head the sociopathic nagger is going "You can do this later on. It's not actually work if you like it. Do your other assignments!". Inevitably, in the attempt to follow this cow's advice, I end up "taking a break", which frequently spans the entire night, and involves potato chips.

Right now, for example, I should be studying for my paper on Wednesday. Evidently, that is not happening. I have decided, instead, to send random thoughts about irrelevant nonsense out into the void, thereby exacerbating my procrastination. Vicious circle, is it not?

Naturally, after this, I will be "taking a break" before I start studying. However, it IS Sunday...Why not study tomorrow, or the day after?

This blog is turning into an enabler for my procrastination. God bless the internet.

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